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- Post Purchase Upsell for WooCommerce
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- Changelog
- Feature - Added a analytics page to be able to see how much revenue the upsells has generated, and what products have preformed the best.
- Feature - Added settings to be able to set the text for the button and the text displayed after a upsell has been made.
- Feature - Added support for HPOS.
- Enhancement - Added a Norwegian translation of the plugin provided by Remi Johansen.
- Enhancement - The error message from a payment gateway will now be shown to the user if a upsell failed to be applied to an order.
- Fix - Fixed an issue with linked products not working properly when the product was a variable product.
- Fix - Fixed some alignment issues with error messages and the icon for the upsell window.
- Feature - Added the ability to configure multiple different upsell offers that can be shown to the customer using different rules and priorities using a logic engine.
- Feature - Enabled the configuration of upsell offers using the block editor to be able to customize the layout and design of the upsell offers to better suit your site.
- Feature - Added support for offering products at a discounted price, either percentage or fixed.
- Feature - Added a custom linked product type specific for Post Purchase Upsell, allowing you to use Cross-Sells and Upsells for other purposes while still using linked types for your product offers.
- Feature - Added a Always rule to that will always pass and show the upsell offer, as long as the offer has viable products to display to the customer.
- Feature - Added a Product rule that will only show an upsell offer as long as one or more of the products selected in the rule is in the order when the customer is viewing the thankyou page.
- Feature - Added a Linked offer type that will show any linked products to the products in the order when the customer is viewing the thankyou page.
- Feature - Added a Product offer that will show only the specific products that you want as the offer when the customer is viewing the thankyou page.
- Enhancement - Added a automatic conversion of the old settings to a new format when upgrading from version a older version of the plugin to version 3.0.0 or newer.
- Fix - Fixed an issue with not properly checking if a upsell should be available to the customer or not.
- Fix - Fix incorrect path to main plugin file for the update checker. Would cause updates to not show properly.
- Fix - Fixed an issue with using the global product variable, causing one product to be lost when processing the upsell products.
- Enhancement - Added a recalculation of how many products to display for the upsell when the window is resized.
- Fix - Fixed an issue when products had discounts the add to order button would not show in the upsell window for that product.
- Tweak - Tweaked some of the swedish translations, and english settings texts.
- Feature - Refactor the plugin to be able to work with Payment methods that declare support for it.
- Feature - Add a urgency timer to the Upsell feature (defaulted to 5 minutes).
- Feature - Add the ability for payment methods to add limitations to the Upsell. For example time limit or total amount to add. This will overwrite the setting you have for the urgency timer if the Payment method has a limit.
- Enhancement - Updated the look of the Upsell area.
- Tweak - Bumped required PHP version to 7.0.
- Tweak - Updated plugin slug for updates.
- Changed the name of the plugin
- Enhancement - Add a setting to check if the order has shipping and if the product needs shipping that is added.
- Enhancement - Add check if the product added is in stock or not.
- Fix - Fixed incorrectly named setting.
- Enhancement - Add order note when a product has been added to an order from the thank you page.
- Fix - Prevent customers from adding multiple products of the same type by reloading the thankyou page by redirecting the customer back to the page and clearing the form.
- Enhancement - Change from using payment_method_allow_increase to initial payment method type to determine if we should allow upsell or not.
- Fix - Fixed a bug causing no logs to be created.
- Feature - Added ability to select between Upsell or Cross-Sell linked product types for the thankyou page upsell products.
- Enhancement - Better template handling. Allowing to replace the default templates by adding custom template to a woocommerce folder. kus-upsell-products.php and kus-upsell-product.php.
- Enhancement - Added filters for visibility checks. Both for product catalogue visibility ( kus_allowed_catalog_visibility ) and for product post status ( kus_allowed_visibility ).
- Enhancement - Added body class kus-upsell-order to the thankyou page body element if the order contains a product added through the plugin.
- Fix - Fixed an issue calculating discount for fees and shipping.
- Initial release of plugin.