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- Specter for WooCommerce
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- Changelog
The Specter for WooCommerce plugin with be discontinued in 2022. We will no longer develop or maintain it as of 2023.
Instead of further development of the plugin we will replace it with the new service Kroconnect. Taking the connection to the next step.
The docs will remain published on the old docs site for now, but will be removed during 2023.
- Tweak - Save billing_identity_no to customer if logged in when order is created.
- Fix - Change cancel_pruning_schedule function to a static function.
- Tweak - Don't change the order status if $order->get_date_completed() exist in WooCommerce order when order status update is triggered from specter. Avoids setting order status to Completed again and trigger new email to customer.
- Fix - Improve re-scheduling of sending order to Specter if add user request fails.
- Fix - Remove Specter client id (wc_specter_client_id) from WP user and re-schedule create order request if response code 6 is returned in add user request.
- Feature - Adds support for sending preparedShipmentId to Specter in order data. Support via Klarna Shipping Assistant for WooCommerce, Walley Checkout for Woocommerce and Krokedil Shipping Connector.
- Feature - Adds support for sending agentNo. Support via Klarna Shipping Assistant for WooCommerce and Krokedil Shipping Connector.
- Feature - Adds support for bulkId / Instabox Availability token. Support via Instabox for WooCommerce, Klarna Shipping Assistant for WooCommerce & Krokedil Shipping Connector.
- Tweak - Improved order note + logging if order could not be sent correctly to Specter.
- Enhancement - Improved precision in product order line prices sent in orders to Specter (confirmed sending 3 decimals).
- Tweak - Change to public function __wakeup() for PHP8 compatibility.
- Fix - Avoid error in logging that could happen during batch exporting of articles, if a request failed.
- Fix - Only send price during product update request to Specter if it is set in product in WooCommerce.
- Tweak - Rollback of externalOrderNo change in v 3.11.1. Send order_number as externalOrderNo again.
- Tweak - Send order_id as externalOrderNo instead of order_number.
- Tweak - Only create product in WooCommerce if viewInShop is set in Specter request data (if filter wc_specter_create_products_in_woocommerce is activated).
- Tweak - Bump required PHP version to 7.0.
- Feature - Add support for "EU VAT Validator & Assistant for WooCommerce" plugin.
- Tweak - Send customer as company to Specter if EU Vat number exist even if no Billing company name is entered in Woo order.
- Tweak - Add total item amount in target column in Specter log table.
- Tweak - Change so confirmation of product, stock & order update request is done when data is fetched from Specter. Not when the actual update is done.
- Feature - Adds payment id stripe_ideal, stripe_giropay, stripe_p24, stripe_multibanco, stripe_eps, stripe_bancontact, stripe_alipay, stripe_sepa and stripe_sofort as Stripe payment method (payTypeIdentifier ST).
- Feature - Adds support for stock update in product synk (Specter to Woo). Handled/activated outside of plugin.
- Feature - Adds support for yTaric in product synk (both Specter to Woo and Woo to Specter). Handled/activated outside of plugin.
- Feature - Adds setting to select if paketartikel should manage stock or not in Woo.
- Tweak - Save sent order data as json in order post meta.
- Tweak - Start product update process quicker (Specter to Woo) by trigger wc_specter_process_data instead of schedule action.
- Tweak - Adds filter wc_specter_process_data_manual_reschedule to handle rescheduling of background job in Specter plugin when timeout time approaches.
- Tweak - Change stock quantity to the actual reported stock even for products that doesn't allow backorders (previously 0 was set as quantity).
- Fix - Change from get_available_variations to get_children in product batch export.
- Feature - Add support for updating manufacturingCountryCode via separate plugin/code.
- Tweak - Code refactoring in plugin settings.
- Fix - Fix potential conflict with WP auto saving post (if request to Specter takes long time) when saving product in Woo.
- Fix - Fix in manual data process sequence (trigger scheduled jobs manually from admin).
- Fix - Better handling of failed action scheduler events. If scheduled action timeout, we now re-schedule them again.
- Feature - Save Tracking number (as _wc_specter_tracking_no) in WC order if it exist in data received from Specter.
- Tweak - Adds filter wc_specter_tracking_no_field_name to be able to set a custom meta field name for saving tracking number.
- Tweak - Send deliveryAddress to Specter if shipping_address_1 exist in WC order. Previously a shipping method needed to be set in order before the deliveryAddress was sent.
- Tweak - Adds filter wc_specter_external_order_no on order number sent to Specter in new orders.
- Fix - Fix Norwegian language code in orders sent to Specter.
- Tweak - Add attribute names to procduct variants sent to Specter, even when variable product have + 3 attributes.
- Fix - Add $_product_variation object to send_product_to_specter function for product variants. Corrects an issue in wc_specter_send_custom_product_data filter.
- Feature - Adds support for multiple stock handling (Specter to Woo).
- Feature - Adds support for barCode & buyPrice in product synk (both Specter to Woo and Woo to Specter). Handled/activated outside of plugin.
- Feature - Update Product locale setting to be able to update Finnish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and German product title in Specter.
- Tweak - Send Grouped product type as PA (paketartikel) to Specter. Set PA (paketartikel) as not handling stock in Woo.
- Tweak - Start stock and order status background processing a bit faster.
- Tweak - Send price with 3 decimals in create order request.
- Tweak - Code refactoring (move settings + product batch export to separate classes).
- Tweak - Split product update function (both Specter to Woo and Woo to Specter) into smaller sub functions. Makes it easier to hook into from other plugins.
- Fix - Improved multi stock handling.
- Fix - Stock sync bug fix. Sometimes only first reported product was updated.
- Feature - Started support for multiple stock handling (Specter to Woo).
- Feature - Add setting for selecting when order should be sent to Specter.
- Feature - Add setting for sending ourReferenceUserId in orderdata to Specter.
- Tweak - Add support for synching correct currency.
- Tweak - Add support for sync product name with specific locale.
- Tweak - Save stock data in custom db instead of as a transient.
- Tweak - Added do_action wc_specter_update_order_in_woocommerce so other plugins can hook into order status update sequence.
- Fix - Improved confirm order handling when 0 orders are returned from Specter.
- Tweak - Remove sanitizing in product name, in product sync Specter to WooCommerce. This is done by WordPress anyway.
- Tweak - Moved order sync to be handled by Action scheduler + new specter_schedule_data db table.
- Tweak - Improved logging when update_single_product_in_specter() fails.
- Tweak - Added setting for Debug log time - how many days should the log entries be saved.
- Fix - Only log when debug log is activated (except some errors that is logged regardless of settings).
- Fix - Avoid possible division by zero issue in tax calculation when sending order to Specter.
- Feature - Adds separate db table to store data received from Specter. Improves background processing.
- Feature - Sends VAT number to Specter if it exist in order (saved as _billing_vat_number). Compatibility support with
- Tweak - Logging improvements.
- Tweak - Adds filter wc_specter_article_sku on articles sent to Specter in new orders and tenders.
- Tweak - Trim name and address sent to Specter to avoid checksum calculation error.
- Fix - Added control to not send new order request if Specter order number already is stored in WooCommerce order.
- Feature - Add separate setting for External delivery method. Sent in orders to Specter if saved in settings.
- Tweak - Add payTypeIdentifierPaySystemUser & pay_type_reference sent to Specter for Svea Checkout purchases.
- Fix - Error fix that could happen during product update Specter to Woo.
- Fix - Change args in as_get_scheduled_actions. Could cause error in some versions.
- Feature - Possible to trigger the action scheduler queue manually (useful during large amounts of imports).
- Tweak - Added setting for request timeout.
- Tweak - Added setting for product update batch size.
- Fix - Limit the callback handler so only one product update and stock update at the time can be scheduled.
- Feature - Added payment id swish Swish payment (payTypeIdentifier SW). Support for Bjorntech Swish payment gateway.
- Tweak - Adds State in address sent to Specter for US & CA customers.
- Tweak - Improve batch number handling. Only store numbers.
- Fix - Plugin update bug fix.
- Feature - Added Tools section in settings. Work in progress. Will be improved in future release.
- Feature - Add Clear stock and Clear article batch. Used to sync all products from Specter to WooCommerce.
- Tweak - Move product update & stock update from WP cron to WooCommerce Action schedule. Avoid loosing some updates due to WP cron not being saved correctly in db.
- Tweak - Add get_date_paid() as order date sent to Specter.
- Tweak - Code refactoring.
- Fix - Save weight with correct decimal separator in Woo.
- Fix - Handle WooCommerce stores that have weight unit set to gram correct.
- Fix - Automatic plugin updates via fix.
- Tweak - Updated plugin update checker file to v1.2.4.
- Feature - Uses Specters new v3 API.
- Tweak - Plugin now updated via
- Feature - Added support for YITH Gift Cards.
- Fix - Fixed fatal error in get_formatted_shipping_sku() when sending Woo order as tender to Specter.
- Fix - Fixes issue with larger amounts of product updates (Specter to Woo) not being finalized correctly.
- Tweak - Added hook wc_specter_send_order_to_specter so plugins can trigger order sending to Specter from outside of the plugin.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_stocks so plugins can modify received stock data during stock update request.
- Tweak - Added check so article stock is saved correctly in Woo during stock update. If not - try again. If second try doesn't work - log the issue.
- Tweak - Use identifyByCustomerId when adding customer to Specter if customer number is stored in Woo.
- Tweak - Code restructuring. Move including of callback handling files to plugin main file & Move file including to a separate function.
- Tweak - Remove woocommerce_order_status_completed_notification hook. Not needed since restructure of class files including.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_skip_order_line to be able to skip products sent to Specter during new order request.
- Feature - Added payment id kco & klarna_payments as Klarna Global payment (payTypeIdentifier KG).
- Feature - Added payment id paypal_express as PayPal payment (payTypeIdentifier PL).
- Tweak - Trigger order completed email when order status is set to Completed via Specter order update callback.
- Tweak - Confirm stock update request to Specter early in the batch process instead of when the entire process is finished.
- Feature - Added payment id payex as Payex Card payment (payTypeIdentifier PC).
- Tweak - Improved handling of stock update sync. Fixed bug with number of upated products reported in log not being correct.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_external_delivery_method to be able to modify externalDeliveryMethod sent in order requests.
- Tweak - Avoid confusion in product update sync logging message.
- Feature - Added payment id svea_checkout as Svea Chekout payment method.
- Feature - Added {SHIPPING_INSTANCE_ID} & {SHIPPING_METHOD_ID} as available shipping SKU sent to Specter.
- Tweak - Split product update batch into smaller chunks if number of products is over 100. Batches are being scheduled via WP cron.
- Tweak - Improved sorting of billing_identity_no form field. Now placed after Billing company field.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_product_update_batch_size to be able to override standard batch size.
- Tweak - Added sale_price to default args in wc_specter_specter2wc_product_updte_args & wc_specter_wc2specter_product_update_args.
- Tweak - Introduced wc_specter_wc2specter_abort_product_update filter. To be able to exclude speific SKU's from product sync.
- Feature - Added default product update args that makes it possible to only update specific product data in sync between Specter & Woo.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_wc2specter_product_update_args & wc_specter_specter2wc_product_update_args.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_shipping_method_name.
- Tweak - Code cleaning.
- Tweak - Remove un-needed data in stock update array to minimize size stored in db.
- Tweak - Remove pre WC 3.0 variation title logic.
- Tweak - Plugin WordPress 5.0 compatible.
- Fix - WC deprecated notices fix.
- Fix - Fixed so manually add order to Specter function doesn’t redirect user to order page.
- Tweak - Refactoring WC_Specter_Product_Updater_Request class.
- Tweak - Use $product->get_id() instead of $product->id & $product->variation_id (for easier logic + avoid WooCommerce deprecated notices).
- Tweak - Use WooCommerce setters for updating product meta data (instead of updating post meta fields).
- Tweak - Improved support for Polylang (sync of meta data when updating product via Specter product update).
- Fix - Product meta did not update correct in prodtuct sync Specter to Woo when using Polylang.
- Fix - Don’t update title, content and excerpt if the updated product is a product variation.
- Fix - Don't update English title if it's not set in Specter (for Polylang support).
- Feature - Add support for syncronizing English product names (if Polylang multilingual plugin is installed).
- Tweak - Send order data to Specter as POST instead of GET.
- Feature - Introduced feature to create new (simple) products in Woo on getArticleInfoExternalNeedUpdate request from Specter (can be activated via returning true in filter wc_specter_create_products_in_woocommerce).
- Feature - Added shipping method id {SHIPPING_ID} as available shipping SKU sent to Specter.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_formatted_shipping_sku_shipping_id (for {SHIPPING_ID}) so that shipping SKU sent in orders to Specter can be filtered.
- Tweak - added filter wc_specter_create_products_in_woocommerce.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_should_update_article_type_in_woo (if _manage_stock should be updated or not).
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_shipping_via_label (possible to modify "Shipping via:" text in orders sent to Specter).
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_received_article_data (possible to modify received Specter article data before updating it in Woo).
- Tweak - Added pruning of log entries. Entries are now stored 14 days by default.
- Tweak - Added support for gift cards via WooCommerce – Gift Cards (
- Tweak - Change stock update batch size from 300 to 100 articles.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_stock_update_batch_size (so stock update batch size can be modified).
- Tweak - Don't change order status in Woo (to Processing) for "statusId 2" in order status callback. Only add order note about the change.
- Fix - Fix in webshop_should_be_updated function to work with single webshop accounts in Specter (possibility to choose if the product should be updated in webshop or not).
- Feature - Add payment id kco and klarna_payments as Klarna payment method.
- Tweak - Split stock update batch into smaller chunks if number of products is over 300 SKU’s. Batches are being scheduled via WP cron.
- Tweak - Split order update batch into smaller chunks if number of orders are over WC_SPECTER_PRODUCTS_PER_BATCH. Batches are being scheduled via WP cron.
- Tweak - Log improvements/cleaning.
- Tweak - Add support for order language set by Polylang (when passing language info to Specter).
- Tweak - Added support for Collector Checkout (gateway id collector_checkout) as Collector paytype (CL in Specter).
- Tweak - Improved support for Specter setting inShop (View in shop) in product sync WooCommerce to Specter. The setting is NOT used in sync Specter to WooCommerce.
- Tweak - Improved logging for product sync Specter to WooCommerce.
- Fix - Fee price fix in data sent to Specter on new order.
- Fix - Product weight bug fix in article sync Specter to Woo.
- Feature - Added setting for making org no a required field in checkout.
- Feature - Added payment id redlight_swish-ecommerce as Swish payment method.
- Feature - Added payment id dibs_easy as DIBS payment method.
- Feature - Added Adyen (adyen) as supported payment method.
- Tweak - Added WooCommerce order Billing phone as mobileNo to Specter.
- Tweak - Added order item meta as articleComment for WC3.0+.
- Tweak - Improved logging in stock sync activation call.
- Fix - Added product item meta to orders for WC3.0+.
- Fix - Send updated product price to Specter when using quick edit.
- Fix - Use get_base_tax_rates instead of get_rates when calculating tax rate in product sync to Specter. Could cause wrong calculation if using geolocation as Default customer location in Woo settings.
- Tweak - Use _transaction_id instead of _dibs_transaction_no to send DIBS transaction number to Specter in orders.
- Tweak - Added support for PayPal Express Checkout (gateway id ppec_paypal) as PayPal paytype (PL in Specter).
- Feature - Added setting for enabling multi currency product sync from Specter to WooCommerce (if Aelia Currency Switcher plugin is installed).
- Tweak - Added products per batch setting (select how many products to handle per batch when exporting products to Specter).
- Tweak - Added support for sending EID and transaction id for Klarna v3 platform to Specter.
- Tweak - Code refactoring. Moved Specter order sync callback to separate file.
- Tweak - Added do_action wc_specter_external_webshop_order_update. This hook is triggered if Specter reports an order update callback and the reported webshop id isn't the same as the current one.
- Tweak - Added listener for master to slave callback (to be able to communicate between WOoCommerce installations and forward order data from master to slave).
- Tweak - Added DIBS MasterPass & DIBS MobilePay as DIBS paytypes in orders sent to Specter.
- Fix - WooCommerce 3.0 fix. Product variation title added variations twice.
- Tweak - Change so that articleType PA (Paketartikel) is treated as a product that manages stock in WooCommerce (on product sync Specter to WooCommerce).
- Tweak - Added background processing of stock & product sync from Specter via wp_schedule_single_event.
- Tweak - Clear product transient after stock sync call from Specter.
- Fix - PHP notice fix.
- Feature - Added Payer as supported payment method (card, bank, invoice & part payment).
- Fix - Improved logic in the notice that compares and informs the merchant about the registered Specter synch URL and the current site URL.
- Fix - Don't display the Specter sync URL notice if Specter to WooCommerce synchronization isn't activated in the plugin.
- Fix - Changed so Billing Company sent as invoiceCompanyName to Specter for company purchases. Previously billing first and last name where sent.
- Tweak - Don't try to send order data if Specter SBM ID is not set. Instead only add the order info as post meta for test purposes.
- Tweak - Rollback of Async class. Background processing of product and stock updates did not work in some server environments.
- Tweak - Move article update to separate file. Making it more flexible so merchants can modify product data sent to Specter (previously only possible to ADD product data).
- Tweak - Added parameter in filter wc_specter_send_custom_product_data to be able to define if the product is a variation or not (true/false).
- Fix - Product variation object passed in filter wc_specter_send_custom_product_data if product is a product variation (previous parent product object where sent even for variations).
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_send_order_order_line_data so that plugins can modify order rows sent to Specter for new orders.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_send_order_data so that plugins can modify order data sent to Specter for new orders.
- Tweak - Added Specter param invoiceCompanyName when sending customer data to Specter.
- Feature - Added possibility to send WooCommerce order as Tender to Specter.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_send_tender_order_line_data so that plugins can modify order rows sent to Specter for Tenders.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_send_tender_data so that plugins can modify order data sent to Specter for Tenders.
- Tweak - Remove the need to check the box "Show standard old price" in Specter to be able to set campaign prices in WooCommerce (when updating products in Specter).
- Tweak - Moved submit order to Specter to a separate request class.
- Fix - PHP notice fix.
- Fix - Only check for order status updates if we actually have an externalOrderNo from Specter.
- Feature - Added feature for scheduling sending of orders to Specter if connection to Specter fails the first time.
- Feature - Added support for Fyndiq orders via Fyndiqs WC extension (
- Tweak - Added pay type identifier for Afterpay (invoice, part payment & account).
- Tweak - Updated pay type identifier for Payson to support PaysonCheckout 2.0.
- Tweak - Store posted order information sent to Specter as post meta in the local WooCommerce order to make it easier to troubleshoot.
- Fix - Fixed typo in defining of variable for sending info about contactPerson in orders sent to Specter.
- Tweak - Added background processing to product updates & stock updates (in WooCommerce) to improve speed in Specter when updating products in Specters backend.
- Tweak - Code restructure (moved some functions to a separate helper function class).
- Tweak - Send Shipping SKU (defined in the plugin settings) as externalDeliveryMethod to Specter instead of order shipping method ($order->get_shipping_method()).
- Feature - Added setting for custom shipping SKU in orders sent to Specter. Dynamic variables for VAT and shipping method can be passed.
- Tweak - Increase Specter request timeout to 20 seconds.
- Tweak - Possibility to change article type, if stock should be managed, in product sync Specter to WooCommerce and WooCommerce to Specter.
- Fix - PHP notice.
- Feature - Added support for SKU change in WooCommerce and updating the SKU in the product in Specter (via the "Product synchronization WooCommerce to Specter" feature).
- Feature - Added support for pay type Stripe from WooThemes.
- Tweak - Improved catching of WP_Error in all wp_remote_get() calls to Specter.
- Tweak - Switched license key system (removed API Manager in favor for License WP).
- Tweak - Reintroduced filter wc_specter_bump_request_timeout and defined 11 seconds as default timeout time for all calls to Specter.
- Tweak - Improved UI for manually sending order to Specter process (added spinning wheel).
- Fix - Fixed PHP notice for Sequential order numbers pro helper function.
- Feature - Add possibility to set sales price in Specter to be displayed in WooCommerce (on product synchronization from Specter to WooCommerce).
- Feature - Send both standard price (as standardOldPrice/Ordinarie pris) and sale price on product synchronization from WooCommerce to Specter.
- Feature - Added support for pay type Stripe (YITH WooCommerce Stripe).
- Tweak - Adding filters (wc_specter_specter2wc_sync_content & wc_specter_specter2wc_sync_excerpt) to allow merchants not to sync content and excerpt on product sync from Specter to WooCommerce.
- Tweak - Improve how total amount of existing products is counted. For better performance in product batch export.
- Tweak - Removed http request timeout bump. Caused issues when other plugins/themes had misconfigured remote callbacks.
- Tweak - Changed the constant WC_SPECTER_PRODUCTS_PER_BATCH to 20 to avoid php timeouts on product batch export.
- Fix - Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro.
- Tweak - Add used coupon info to publishedComment so that it is visible on the Specter order confirmation/invoice.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_include_shipping to allow merchants to not send shipping as an order row if wanted.
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_send_custom_customer_data to allow merchants to modify customer data sent to Specter.
- Tweak - Make Specter log page visible. WP 4.4 compatible.
- Tweak - Added order object as a parameter to the filter wc_specter_published_comment.
- Tweak - Improving of response to Specter on product sync so that the respons will be triggered faster.
- Tweak - Mark product as articleType=GN (no stock calculation) on product sync Woo -> Specter if 'Manage stock' isn't set in WooCommerce.
- Fix - Update excerpt correct in product sync Specter to WooCommerce.
- Fix - Fixed 'View in shop' (WebshopNo) in product sync to Specter.
- Fix - Check if WooCommerce is active now also WP multisite compatible.
- Fix - Fixed PHP notices.
- Feature - Update tax on product sync from Specter.
- Tweak - Removed customer order note from publishedComment sent to Specter (so that info isn't printed on the invoice in Specter).
- Tweak - Added filter wc_specter_published_comment to make it possible for merchants to add their own data in this parameter.
- Tweak - More detailed info in log about elapsed time for product updates.
- Tweak - Improve update_stock() & update_product() function to avoid timeout error message in Specter when merchant batch updates product prices/stock.
- Fix - Add stock quantity to Specter when sending a new product variant to Specter.
- Tweak - Send stock level to Specter when creating a new product in WooCommerce (if product sync WC -> Specter is activated).
- Tweak - Change so Specters feature 'Publish in webshop' isn't mandatory. Caused issue with update_product function in the plugin.
- Fix - Sync variable product prices with the children lowest/highest prices (post meta values) on product sync from Specter to WC.
- Tweak - Changed internalComment sent to Specter. This field does now send Order Customer note instead of order number.
- Tweak - Added Order id as a parameter sent in the following filters 'wc_specter_order_reference', 'wc_specter_pay_type_identifier' & 'wc_specter_internal_comment'.
- Fix - Fixed PHP notices.
- Fix - Removed check that excludes SKU's containing the character "/" in helper function get_product_by_sku(). Replaced it with filter hook wc_specter_forbidden_sku_chars (that if empty by default).
- Fix - Increase timeout for http requests (in wp_remote_get) + added filter wc_specter_bump_request_timeout for merchants to be able to change this. Defaults to 60 seconds.
- Fix - Set stock to 0 in WooCommerce if negative stock is reported from Specter and product in WC is set to not allow backorders.
- Feature - Added support for store credits via WooCommerce Smart Coupons.
- Tweak - Use trim() on SKU sent in order to Specter.
- Feature - Added externalDeliveryMethod parameter in orders sent to Specter so that shipping methods are tagged correctly between WooCommerce and Specter.
- Fix - Correct encoding of Shipping first name and Shipping last name sent to Specter for individuals.
- Fix - Fixed PHP notice in shipping tax calculation (when no tax amount existed).
- Tweak - Added Eid (in payTypeIdentifierPaySystemUser parameter) sent to Specter on orders that are payed via klarna.
- Tweak - Added separate pay type identifiers for Billmate invoice, Billmate part payment, Billmate bank transfer and Billmate card payment.
- Fix - PHP notices.
- Tweak - Send info about free shipping to Specter (earlier only shipping over the value of 0 was sent to Specter).
- Tweak - Changed file_get_contents to wp_remote_get in product exports to Specter. Improved error logging if contact with remote server fails.
- Feature - Added Billmate as supported payment method (passed as payTypeIdentifier to Specter).
- Tweak - Added filter hook wc_specter_pay_type_identifier. Makes it possible for merchants to change the defined payment method sent to Specter.
- Fix - Updated URL to documentation.
- Feature - Added filter hook wc_specter_send_custom_product_data so merchants can send specific product data to Specter.
- Feature - Added action hook wc_specter_received_product_data so merchants can save specific received product data from Specter.
- Tweak - getAllArticles set to 0 in Update stock call to Specter. Only get the changed articles in the call from Specter. Preventing callback timeouts.
- Tweak - Better support for handling multiple orders in order status update from Specter.
- Fix - Shipping first & last name sent to Specter as deliveryCompanyName for individuals
- Fix - PHP notices.
- Tweak - Improvements to information about Product exports from wooCommerce to Specter (stock can't be set/changed in Specter for existing products).
- Tweak - Change in Order status update from Specter. statusId 4 now interpreted as Completed (instead of Cancelled).
- Tweak - Only overwrite content and short description in product synchronization (in WC) if the fields contain data from Specter. Not if they are empty.
- Feature - Added new feature for exporting all products from WooCommerce to Specter (besides from just exporting new products).
- Tweak - Swedish translation update.
- Fix - Tax rounding bug in shipping sent to Specter.
- Feature - Added Product synchronization from Specter to WooCommerce.
- Tweak - Added first and last name as deliveryCompanyName for individuals on order sent to Specter.
- Fix - PHP notices.
- Fix - Connector status bugfix (displaying correct status when clicking the connector buttons).
- Tweak - Added apply_filters() wc_specter_order_reference & wc_specter_internal_comment. Makes it possible for merchants to send extra order data to Specter.
- Tweak - Sending order_number() instead of order_id to Specter. Support for Sequential orders Pro.
- Fix - PHP error (below PHP 5.5) when checking for backorders allowed in update_stock().
- Feature - Added Customer Reference in new orders sent to Specter.
- Tweak - Added Batch delete log entries feature.
- Fix - PHP notices fix.
- Fix - Don't update stock when backorders aren't allowed and stock is negative. Don't update stock where Specter SKU contains / (causes the loop to stop).
- Fix - Bug fix in update_order(). moreInfoToFetch flag from Specter wasn't received correctly. Caused infinite update_order() batch to Specter.
- Tweak - Updated the Specter_Logging class (based on Pippin Williamsons WP-Logging class). Now log entries older than 2 weeks are deleted.
- Fix - Corrected calculation for tax percentage sent to Specter in process_order().
- Fix - Bugfix in Batch product export from WC to Specter. First batch was set to offset 50 in WP_Query.
- Fix - Changed how to check if WC is active (is_woocommerce_active() caused error on some sites).
- Feature - Added function to manually add orders to Specter manually from WooCommerce orders overview page.
- Fix - Pause add_user() when trying to send order to Specter if Klarna Checkout is used as payment method and the customer address isn't stored in the order yet.
- Tweak - Added check to compare the stored URL for synchronization callbacks from Specter and the current Site URL.
- Fix - Customer order notes sent to Specter URL encoded.
- Tweak - Improved product exports WooCommerce -> Specter to avoid PHP timeouts when exporting large amounts of products.
- Tweak - Added constant WC_SPECTER_PRODUCTS_PER_BATCH (defaults to 50) so that the number of products per batch can be altered via an external plugin or theme.
- Feature - Added Swedish translation.
- Tweak - Improvements to bulk product export (in function specter_submit_new_articles) WooCommerce -> Specter. Product export continues even if one product is reported with incorrect in-data.
- Tweak - Better reporting in the Debug log for bulk product exports.
- Fix - Modified set_stock for WC 2.2 compatibility.
- Feature - Added setting for activation/deactivation of WooCommerce -> Specter product synchronization.
- Fix - License key activation fix. SSL authentication issue on some servers when connecting to license key server.
- Fix - Small settings changes
- Feature - License key ready / auto update notifier.
- Feature - Added Ignore control, Ignore email control, Send order email, Send order email to Administrator & Stock Site ID in settings.
- Feature - Added support for exporting products from WooCommerce to Specter (not variable products yet).
- Feature - Added support for Stock level reporting from Specter. Small fixes left todo.
- Feature - Added logging feature. At the moment only for stock level batches. Will extend this.
- Feature - Added support for webshopId. Useful when merchant has multiple shops connected to Specter.
- Fix - Added shipping address to Specter.