Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce

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Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce

Here you will find documentation on Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce.


If you need help or have questions regarding Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce that you can not solve with the help of this documentation, we refer to the Dintero support.

Useful external links


English product page on krokedil.com

Plugin related articles on krokedil.com


Svensk produktsida på krokedil.se

Plugin-relaterade artiklar på krokedil.se

Technical information

Plugin data

Plugin version: 1.10.8

Last updated: 7 January, 2025

Tested with

WordPress version: 6.7.1

WooCommerce version: 9.5.1

Requires at least

WordPress version: 5.8.3

WooCommerce version: 6.1.0

PHP version: 7.4

Plugin changelog

  • Enhancement - We will now read the order again from the database before checking if it's already been confirmed before processing the confirmation step, this is to ensure that the order is not confirmed twice, which could happen in rare cases and caused stock values to be reduced twice in WooCommerce.
  • Fix - Fixed an issue related to 'woocommerce_new_order_item' where calling save() would result in the order ID being set to 0. This should improve compatibility with other third-party plugins that hook onto this action.
  • Fix - Fixed an issue related to the plugin settings overhaul. The setting migration should now work as intended. Please verify that the new "Checkout flow" plugin setting option is what you expect.

View complete Changelog