Get started
Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce is a plugin that extends WooCommerce allowing you to accept payments via Dintero. It replaces the standard WooCommerce checkout page.
- Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce support High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
Dintero Checkout does not support the Checkout block i WooCommerce.
You can read more about this here.
Sign up with Dintero
You need a business account with Dintero to be able to use this plugin.
Required WordPress/WooCommerce settings
- Make sure that you have enabled pretty permalinks in your WordPress installation. Otherwise callbacks from Dintero back to your store won’t work and orders will not be updated with the correct order status/information.
- To get the order total to match between WooCommerce and Dintero you need to configure WooCommerce to display prices with 2 decimals. More information about displaying of prices and how it can cause rounding issues can be found in this article.
- You need to have an active SSL Certificate and HTTPS activated.
- Your checkout page must use the Classic Shortcode block. Walley Checkout does not support the Checkout block at this point. You can read more about this here
- Download the plugin .zip file.
- Go to: WordPress Admin → Plugins → Add New and Upload Plugin the file you have downloaded.
- Install Now and Activate.
Setup and Configuration
Before you get started you need to make sure you are using the checkout shortcode on your set Checkout Page.
The Checkout block is the default for new WooCommerce installations as of version 8.3. Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce does not yet support this.
Go to Pages → your set Checkout Page and transform the Checkout block to the Classic Shortcode block.

Once you have installed the plugin and set up your Checkout page, you need to configure the plugin in accordance to the steps below:
- Go to: WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Dintero Checkout
- Enable Dintero Checkout by checking the Enable Dintero Checkout checkbox.
Dintero configuration / Account settings
- Account ID – Enter your Dintero account ID. This can be found Found under Settings → API clients in the Dintero Backoffice.
- Client ID – Enter your Dintero client ID. This can be found under Settings → Account in the Dintero Backoffice.
- Client secret – Enter your Dintero client secret. This can be generated under Settings → Account in the Dintero Backoffice.
- Profile ID – Enter your test payment window profile ID. Found under Settings → Payment windows in the Dintero Backoffice.

Checkout settings
- Test mode – Check the Enable test mode checkbox to place the payment gateway in test mode.
- Logging – Check the Enable logging checkbox to save debug messages to the WooCommerce System Status log
- Checkout flow – Choose the type of checkout you want to use on your site: Checkout Express Pop-out, Checkout Express Embedded, Checkout Redirect, Checkout Pop-out or Checkout Embedded.
- Checkout layout – Change the layout of the checkout. Choose between One column checkout, Two column checkout (Dintero checkout in right column) or Two column checkout (Dintero checkout in left column).

Checkout Redirect settings
If you choose a Redirect checkout you will get some additional settings not necessary for the Embedded or Pop-out checkouts.
- Title – Enter the title for the payment method displayed in the checkout and order confirmation emails.
- Description – Enter the description of the payment method displayed in the checkout page.
- Logo color – Check the box to use the default logo color.
- Custom color – Enter a HEX color code to customize the logo color.
- “Go to payment” button – Customize the “Go to payment” button text that is displayed in checkout if other payment methods than Dintero Checkout are available. Leave blank to use the default (and translatable) text.

Order statuses
- Default order status when authorized – Choose between Processing and On-hold as the default order status when authorized.
- Default order status when pending authorization – Choose between Manual review and On-hold as the default order status when authorized.

Order management settings
- Refund by changing order status – Check this box to trigger a refund in Dintero when WooCommerce order status is manually changed to Refunded.

Dintero Checkout Express Settings
- Allowed customer types – Set the type of customers allowed in your store. Choose between Consumers and businesses, Business only or Consumer only.
- Display Shipping Checkout Express – Check this box if you want the shipping selection to happen in the Dintero checkout iframe instead of the shipping section in WooCommerce.
- Allow separate shipping address – Check this box if you want to allow separate billing and shipping adresses. By default the billing address is used as the shipping address.

Logo color – Choose if you want to use the Default color or Custom color.

Order Management
When an order is created in WooCommerce and a reservation number exists in Dintero’s system, you have the possibility to handle the order in Dintero directly from WooCommerce. This way you can save time and don’t have to work in both systems simultaneously.
Dintero also has their own Manual review status for orders that not yet have been authorized by Dintero.
Please note that the Order statuses below are example statuses. If you have made changes to the statuses in the Order Management settings you need to take this into consideration.
Activate an order
- The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Processing.
- Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerce → Orders and click on the order you want to edit.
- In the Order details box there is a selectbox named Order status. Change the status to Completed.
- Click the Update button located at the top right on the screen.
- If everything was successful two new order notes are created:
- Order status changed from Processing to Completed
- The Dintero order has been captured. Captured amount: X
Refund an order
- The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Completed.
- Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerce → Orders and click on the order you want to edit.
- In the Order items box, press the Refund button.

- Here you can choose to refund the full sum for an item (1), part of the sum (2) or shipping (3).
If you enter a sum manually (2) you also need to enter the correct tax to refund manually, as opposed to when you refund the full sum for an item in which case the tax is automatically calculated. With shipping (3) you need to enter the amount manually, as well as the tax. Not to be confused with the Refund manually button.

- Press the Refund via Dintero Checkout button.
- If everything was successful a new order note saying The Dintero order has been refunded is created.
Refund an order via order status change
If the setting Refund by changing order status is activated, a full refund in Dintero is triggered when the status of an order is changed to Refunded.
The plugin itself has no limitations regarding currency.
However, please note that Dintero only work in the Nordic countries and there can be limitations in the agreement you have with Dintero.
When it comes to questions regarding supported currencies you should always talk to your payment provider. The exception is when the plugin in fact do have limitations.
Dintero Checkout Branding Widget
Dintero Checkout has its own Dintero Checkout Branding widget for how you want to present the Dintero logo with other means of payment.
This widget has settings for Icon color (default or custom) and Background color.
- Navigate to Appearance → Widgets
- Choose the placement where you want to add the Dintero widget, e.g. Footer Column 1.
- Click + to Add block and search for the Dintero Checkout Branding block.

Configure the Dintero Checkout Branding block:
- Default icon color – Check this box to use the default icon color. Uncheck to set your own custom color.
- Icon color – Set your own custom color, if Default icon color is unchecked.
- Background color – Set your own background color.

An example of what it could look like:

Compatibility with themes & plugins
- Dintero Checkout uses its own template file for displaying the checkout page and should work with most themes. However, the plugin is only tested with the Storefront theme and we do not guarantee that it will work with other themes. Common situations when errors occur are:
– Themes/plugins with customized template files for WooCommerce checkout page.
– Themes/plugins that modifies the checkout into a multi step checkout.
Krokedil and Dintero do not offer help with adapting your theme or plugin within regular support.