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ProTeria CloudConnect for WooCommerce
Here you will find documentation on ProTeria CloudConnect for WooCommerce.
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Technical information
Plugin data
Plugin version: 1.8.1
Last updated: 15 January, 2025
Tested with
WordPress version: 6.7.1
WooCommerce version: 9.5.1
Requires at least
WordPress version: 5.0
WooCommerce version: 5.0.0
PHP version: 7.2
Plugin changelog
- Tweak - Tweaked the bulk "Get labels" action to open in a new tab.
- Tweak - Tweaked shipping settings tab title.
- Fix - Fixed PHP 8 deprecation warnings.
- Feature - Added "Manned pickup point only" as an option in the shipping method.
- Fix - Fixed an uncaught error that sometimes happened when the order was created without a shipping method.