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Krokedil Shipping Connector
Here you will find documentation on Krokedil Shipping Connector for WooCommerce.
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Technical information
Plugin data
Plugin version: 3.14.1
Last updated: 10 September, 2024
Tested with
WordPress version: 6.5.5
WooCommerce version: 9.0.2
Requires at least
WordPress version: 5.0.0
WooCommerce version: 5.0.0
PHP version: 7.4
Plugin changelog
- Tweak - Added new template strings for including the pickup point name and address in the email templates.
- Tweak - Added the 'ksc_goods_description' filter to allow for customizing the goods description sent to nShift.
- Tweak - Prefer the shipping phone number over the billing phone number when sending data to nShift.
- Fix - Fixed an issue related to how we check the shipment status on stored shipments.
- Feature - Added a class name on the paragraph element for the tracking link from nShift.
- Tweak - The fields and selected addons is now saved to the '_udc_delivery_data' metadata.
- Feature - Added a feature to show the nShift checkout delivery options as normal WooCommerce shipping methods instead of as a embedded widget on the checkout page.
- Fix - Fixed several PHP 8.2 warnings and deprecation notices.
- Fix - Fixed an issue where some plugins used the same dependencies as Krokedil Shipping Connector but with different versions, causing a conflict and potential PHP errors.