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Avarda Checkout for WooCommerce
Here you will find documentation on Avarda Checkout for WooCommerce.
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Svenska: använd supportformuläret på för att få hjälp.
Helpful information before you contact us can be found in the How to prepare a support ticket article.
Technical information
Plugin data
Plugin version: 1.15.0
Last updated: 14 October, 2024
Tested with
WordPress version: 6.5.4
WooCommerce version: 9.0.0
Requires at least
WordPress version: 5.0
WooCommerce version: 5.6.0
PHP version: 7.4
Plugin changelog
- Feature - Added support for core WooCommerce shipping.
- Feature - Integrated support for the [Post Purchase Upsell]( plugin.
- Feature - Introduced a setting to control the display of the item list within the checkout form.
- Tweak - Added an order note when the WooCommerce order number cannot be saved to the Avarda order.
- Tweak - Enhanced logging for failed API requests.
- Fix - Resolved compatibility issues with currency switchers.
- Fix - Fixed a missing template issue for coupons.
- Fix - Corrected a critical error related to retrieving the shipping method ID.
- Fix - Fixes compatibility with Smart Coupons plugin when using Apply Before taxes on a coupon.
- Feature - Adds support for international checkout using the international credentials setting fields. If a currency the customer is using does not have their own credentials in Avarda the international credentials will be used instead.
- Feature - Adds filters for the credentials used in the requests. These are aco_credentials, aco_client_id and aco_client_secret.
- Feature - Add support for integrated shipping methods in Avarda Checkout for nShift and Ingrid with Pickup point support.
- Enhancement - Improved session handling with Avarda to reduce the amount of requests needed for each order.
- Enhancement - Added log levels to different log messages to allow limiting of the messages logged.
- Enhancement - Auth tokens created for the requests are now stored individually based on currency as transients to prevent new tokens being generated each time a new currency is used. Should reduce the amount of requests made on stores using multiple currencies with Avarda.
- Enhancement - Adds a validation for the cart total against the Avarda session before WooCommerce creates an order. This should prevent on-hold orders from being created when a mismatch is detected.
- Fix - Fixes an issue with token validation when loading the Javascript that caused us to not properly handle orders that had been completed, and had their session expired in Avarda.
- Fix - Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings.