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Conditional shipping
In some cases you might want to enable or disable specific shipping methods if a certain condition is met. For instance if an order contains bulky goods then delivery by bicycle might not be an option.
To be able to handle these conditions, the Ingrid Delivery Checkout plugin sends additional meta data to Ingrid so you as a merchant can configure your own logic directly from your Ingrid account.
Set shipping price to 0 if free shipping coupon is used
If a coupon is used by the customer that enables free shipping in WooCommerce, free_shipping
is sent as a vouchers param to Ingrid.
To match this free shipping coupon with the price rules in Ingrid you can do the following:
1. Add a new price rule.
2. Select Vouchers (Multiple) in the popup window.

3. Set the Carrier Product Price to 0.
4. Make sure that this rule is placed above/before other price rules (the first rule instance that matches the condition will be the price
5. Click Save to close the modal window.
6. You can now test your changes from the Test checkout widget in the left side menu.
7. When you want to publish your changes you click the Preview changes button in the top right corner. A modal window is now opened. Click the Publish button to push the changes to your store.
Change shipping price if cart value is over a certain amount
Here is an example where the shipping price changes if the cart total is over 1 000 SEK.
1. Set the Base price to 25.00 SEK.
2. Add a new rule and select Total Cart Value.

3. Select < and enter 1000.00 in the text field to the right.
4. Enter the shipping price in the Carrier Product Price field. In our case we set the shipping price to 50.00 SEK.
5. Click Save to close the modal window.
6. You can now test your changes from the Test checkout widget in the left side menu.
7. When you want to publish your changes you click the Preview changes button in the top right corner. A modal window is now opened. Click the Publish button to push the changes to your store.