Get started
- Error codes
- Callbacks
- Known compatibility issues
- Compatible plugins and themes
- Files to exclude from optimization
- Troubleshooting the checkout flow
- Troubleshooting the Pay for order/Hosted Payment Page flow
- Troubleshooting WooCommerce Subscriptions and Klarna
- Klarna Developer logs
- Pending payment orders and held stock
Klarna support information
Additional Klarna plugins
Known compatibility issues
Here we gather the plugins that have known compatibility issues with Klarna for WooCommerce. This document will be updated if/when needed and it’s our goal that the list will shorten rather than expand.
Some of the plugins listed below may have a solution; others unfortunately do not. We always try to make our plugins compatible with as many other plugins and set-ups as possible, but depending on code outside of our control in other plugins, we can not always enable compatibility.
Automate Dropshipping for B2B Dropshipper (WWTech)
Automate Dropshipping for B2BDropshipper(WWTech)
When a customer press the Pay button, the payment form information is sent to Klarna. This requires parsing the payment form, and packaging the data in a specific format. This uses WooCommerce standard, and is referred to as seralization.
The Automate Dropshipping plugin injects custom code when the payment form is serialized. This causes an AJAX error because a HTML script tag is inserted into the request as we prepare to send it. This causes the data to be malformed and the result is an “internal server error” on the checkout page.
Flexible Checkout Fields PRO (WP Desk)
Flexible Checkout fields PRO by WP Desk
Conflicts with Klarna Payments in the checkout and throws an “Invalid JSON in logic_results_storage” which prevents the checkout from working properly. It might be a certain setting that causes this, so if you use this plugin it’s good the be aware of this (potential) problem.
Germanized & Germanized PRO
– Conclusion of Contract (PRO-feature)
It is a known issue that enabling Conclusion of Contract in Germanized’s Manual contract option will result in Klarna’s confirmation page being missing after a customer completes a purchase in Klarna Checkout and Klarna Payments.
– Split-tax
German Market
– Confirm & Place Order Page
If this feature is activated, clicking Buy now to complete the purchase on the checkout page will cause the customer to be redirected to a confirmation page. Here they’re asked to accept terms and conditions and make sure their billing and shipping information is correct, before they can proceed to completing the order.
Clicking the button Place binding order to complete the order will redirect the merchant to the checkout page again. This is repeated forever, trapping the customer in a pay-confirm loop.
Note: The reason for this is that our plugin very heavily relies on JavaScript and JavaScript events. When the page is changed to the confirmation page, and then sent back to the checkout page, a lot of the events that got registered are no longer there. So Klarna and we can’t respond to them properly. This is also not something that can be changed on our end.
– Add-on: Temporary Tax Reduction
Error: Bad value: order_lines[0].total_tax_amount
Solution: Use the standard WooCommerce tax options to add the new temporary tax instead during the temporary time.
– Force to use German Market Checkout Template
If this option is enabled, Klarna Payments won’t be able to display on the checkout page.
Gift Cards for WooCommerce
Bad order amount when using Gift Card Balance
There is an issue when a customer has added a giftcard to their account and select the option “Use amount X from your gift cards balance”. This results in a Bad value: order_amount error.
This error also appears when using another payment method, such as Direct bank transfer. So it is an issue not specific for Klarna Payments and is nothing we will investigate further at this point.
Measurement Price Calculator
Klarna requires that a quantity must be an integer, they don’t allow fractions. This means that if a customer buys e.g. 0.5 meters of a product, this will be intrepreted as 0 meters by Klarna.
To avoid this problem you should configure the Measurement Price Calculator (MPC) to use a different unit of measurement for the calculations as to what is displayed to the customer.
In the case of this example you still wish to have the product measurements displayed in meters, but in the backend you tell MPC to use a smaller unit of measurements, e.g. cm. This way a customer can buy 0.5 meters, as the price is calcluated on 50 (cm) instead of 0.
From the customer’s perspective they will still see the measurements displayed as they are used to with a certain type of product. It is only in the hidden calculations that a different unit of measurement will be used.
Just remember to adjust the price of your calculations to match the smaller unit as well.
Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce
Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce
We have gotten reports that some merchants using this plugin in conjunction with Klarna for WooCommerce has caused problems regarding sending a lot of empty order lines.
Smart Coupons
Smart Coupons has made some changes to its logic, which currently means we can only support their gift cards if the setting Deduct credit/gift before doing tax calculations is enabled.
Woo Stripe
When using the Stripe for WooCommerce plugin, enabling Klarna via that plugin and also using our own Klarna for WooCommerce can cause conflicts. The solution here is to only use one of the plugins since the use of two plugins implementing the same payment method is contradictory.
WooCommerce AvaTax
When using the plugin WooCommerce Avatax the Update order function will not work in Klarna Order Management. If you want to update the order you need to handle this manually in both WooCommerce and the Klarna Merchant Portal.
When updating an order
Make sure you turn off the update function On order update in the Klarna Order Management settings before you make any changes to the order in WooCommerce. Then make the same changes to the order in the Klarna Merchant Portal.
When setting an order to Completed
You also need to turn off the update function On order completion in the Klarna Order Management settings before you change the the order status to Completed in WooCommerce. This order status also needs to be handled manually in both WooCommerce and the Klarna Merchant Portal.

WOOF WooCommerce Product Filters
WOOF WooCommerce Product Filters
Error: For some reason the product filter script runs on the checkout, and because an anchor tag / link is used to produce the 3DS bank authorization form, it causes the checkout to reload.
Solution: Within the plugin, go to Advanced, then scroll down to Init plugin on the next site pages only (this allows you to list the site pages where you want the script to run. Leaving it empty means the script runs on all pages). Enter one URL per row. Click Save changes.