

Wasa Kredit Checkout is an embedded checkout solution that includes the payment methods Wasa Kredit Leasing and Wasa Kredit Faktura (Wasa Kredit Invoice).

Wasa Kredit Checkout is developed by Wasa Kredit, and maintained by Krokedil.

Wasa Kredit Checkout does not support the Checkout block i WooCommerce.
You can read more about this here.


  1. Login to WordPress Admin. Navigate to → Plugins → Add New (in the left column menu).
  2. Click Upload Plugin and then browse to the plugin zip-file on your computer. Click on OK and finally click on the Install Now button.
    You can also search for Wasa Kredit Checkout in the top right corner.
  3. Activate the plugin.


  • You need to have an account with Wasa Kredit to use the Wasa Kredit Checkout for WooCommmerce plugin.
    Contact Wasa Kredit to create an account.
  • Your checkout page must use the Classic Shortcode block. Wasa Kredit Checkout does not support the Checkout block at this point. You can read more about this here.

Configuration Wasa Kredit Leasing

Before you get started you need to make sure you are using the checkout shortcode on your set Checkout Page.
The Checkout block is the default for new WooCommerce installations as of version 8.3. Wasa Kredit Checkout for WooCommerce does not yet support this.

Go to Pages → your set Checkout Page and transform the Checkout block to the Classic Shortcode block.

Navigate to  → WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Wasa Kredit Leasing

  1. Enable Wasa Kredit Checkout by checking the Enable Wasa Kredit Checkout checkbox.
  2. Partner ID – Enter the Partner ID issued by Wasa Kredit.
  3. Client secret – Enter the Client Secret issued by Wasa Kredit.
  4. Test Parter ID – Enter the Test Partner ID issued by Wasa Kredit if you’re using Test mode.
  5. Test Client secret – Enter the Test Client Secret issued by Wasa Kredit if you’re using Test mode.
  6. Test mode – Check this box to enable test mode of your store.
  7. Logging – Choose what type of request data you wish to save to the WooCommece System Status log.
Monthly cost widget
  1. Enable Show monthly cost in product list to show the monthly cost under the price in product listings (added via the woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item hook).
    You can also use the shortcode [wasa_kredit_list_widget] in the following way if you want to add it to your custom template file for the shop page and archive pages (like content-product.php):
    <?php do_shortcode( '[wasa_kredit_list_widget]' ); ?>
  2. Enable Show monthly cost in product details to show the monthly cost between the price and the Add to cart button on a product page.
    You can also use the shortcode [wasa_kredit_product_widget] whereever you want if you don’t want to display the monthly cost on all products.
  3. Widget format – Select the design of the monthly cost widget. Choose between Small or Large, with or without Icons.
  4. Widget lower threshold – Only display the monthly cost widget if the product price is higher than the entered number. Leave blank to disable this feature.

Configuration Wasa Kredit Faktura

Navigate to  → WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Wasa Kredit Faktura

  1. Enable Wasa Kredit Invoice Checkout by checking the Enable Wasa Kredit Invoice Checkout checkbox.
  2. Partner ID – Enter the Partner ID issued by Wasa Kredit.
  3. Client secret – Enter the Client Secret issued by Wasa Kredit.
  4. Test Parter ID – Enter the Test Partner ID issued by Wasa Kredit if you’re using Test mode.
  5. Test Client secret – Enter the Test Client Secret issued by Wasa Kredit if you’re using Test mode.
  6. Test mode – Check this box to enable test mode of your store.
  7. Logging – Choose what type of request data you wish to save to the WooCommece System Status log.

Compatibility with themes & plugins

  • Wasa Kredit Checkout uses its own template file for displaying the checkout page and should work with most themes. However, the plugin is only tested with the Storefront theme and we do not guarantee that it will work with other themes. Common situations when errors occur are:
    – Themes/plugins with customized template files for WooCommerce checkout page.
    – Themes/plugins that modifies the checkout into a multi step checkout.

Krokedil and Wasa Kredit do not offer help with adapting your theme or plugin within regular support.