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Qliro One for WooCommerce
Here you will find documentation on Qliro One for WooCommerce.
If you need help or have questions regarding Qliro One for WooCommerce that you can not solve with the help of this documentation, we refer to support@qliro.com
Technical information
Plugin data
Plugin version: 1.4.0
Last updated: 11 September, 2024
Tested with
WordPress version: 6.6.2
WooCommerce version: 9.2.3
Requires at least
WordPress version: 5.9
WooCommerce version: 5.0.0
PHP version: 7.4
Plugin changelog
- Feature - Added a metabox to Qliro order pages to show information about the Qliro order in WooCommerce.
- Feature - Added a toggle to detach specific orders from the automatic order management. This is useful if you want to manually handle specific orders in WooCommerce.
- Feature - Added a sync order with Qliro button that allows you to manually sync an order with Qliro if any changes have been made to it in WooCommerce. This is not available for card payments.
- Fix - Fixed support for Finish localization by passing it correctly to Qliro's API.
- Fix - Fixed not properly clearing the current session with Qliro when the currency is changed in the store.
- Fix - Sometimes the session ID would be missing, this would result in a critical error in the AJAX when attempting to retrieve the order from Qliro. This has now been fixed.
- Fix - Fixed an issue due to undefined variable in the JavaScript.
- Feature - Support for integrated shipping with nShift using the Krokedil Shipping Connector plugin.
- Enhancement - The shipping methods in WooCommerce will be hidden until Qliro has retrieved the selected shipping option from Qliro when showing shipping options in the Qliro iFrame.
- Enhancement - Scoped the plugin dependencies for the plugin to avoid conflicts with other plugins using the same dependencies with different versions.
- Fix - Fixed support for syncing the area returned by Qliro with the region field in WooCommerce.
- Fix - Fixed an issue where some plugins used the same dependencies as Qliro but with different versions, causing a conflict and potential PHP errors.