Qliro One for WooCommerce

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Qliro One for WooCommerce

Here you will find documentation on Qliro One for WooCommerce.


If you need help or have questions regarding Qliro One for WooCommerce that you can not solve with the help of this documentation, we refer to support@qliro.com

Useful external links


English product page on krokedil.com

Plugin related articles on krokedil.com


Svensk produktsida på krokedil.se

Plugin-relaterade artiklar på krokedil.se

Technical information

Plugin data

Plugin version: 1.7.3

Last updated: 22 January, 2025

Tested with

WordPress version: 6.7.1

WooCommerce version: 9.5.0

Requires at least

WordPress version: 5.9

WooCommerce version: 5.0.0

PHP version: 7.4

Plugin changelog

  • Fix - Fixed an issue where we would print Qliro error messages on API calls to WooCommerce on Qliro orders in some cases, causing the response to not be a valid JSON output. This could cause issues when other services tried to for example set the order status on an order placed with Qliro.
  • Enhancement - Improved the error handling when placing an order in WooCommerce when the session from Qliro has expired or is missing in WooCommerce, which would cause a timeout error.
  • Enhancement - When matching Ingrid shipping tax rates to WooCommerce, allow a diff of 0.1 when comparing the tax rates to avoid rounding discrepancies between the two systems. This will prevent the wrong tax rate from being used when calculating the shipping tax in WooCommerce.
  • Fix - Fixed an issue when refunding an order line without specifying the order line quantity causing a division by zero error.
  • Fix - Fixed an issue when refunding a shipment order line with the Ingrid integration, where metadata from the order line was not copied over to the refund order line.
  • Fix - Fixed trying to access a setting before it has been saved, causing a PHP warning.
  • Fix - Fixed an issue where an incorrect shipment reference was being used for Instabox integrated shipping in order management requests.

View complete Changelog