Get started
- Embedded checkouts in WooCommerce
- Checkout blocks in WooCommerce
- Error codes
- Compatible plugins and themes
- Known compatibility issues
- Files to exclude from optimization
- Shipping Methods in iframe
- Optimizing your checkout when using an Iframe-based checkout
- Callbacks
- Troubleshooting the checkout flow
- Troubleshooting the Pay for order/Hosted Payment Page flow
- Troubleshooting WooCommerce Subscriptions and KCO
- Klarna Developer logs
- Pending payment orders and held stock
Klarna support information
Additional Klarna plugins
Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce is structured in a way where KCO-Global is supposed to be activated in the merchants agreement with Klarna. KCO-Global means that the store is able to take payments from customers outside of KCO Core countries.
Klarna Checkout is available in 170+ countries with more than 10 countries which are Klarna core countries. A core country is a country where Klarna offer Klarna Credit, local non-risk payment methods and card options.
A core country is only considered a core country if the currency is local for that market as well.
The current offered core countries in combination with their local currencies
Non-core countries, or core countries combined with a non-local currency, will be offered card payments in the checkout.
A couple of currency examples
A merchant has an agreement for SEK/Sweden and has KCO-Global activated.
- A customer from Sweden will see all available payment methods in the checkout (invoice, part payment, card payment etc).
- A customer from Norway will only see card payment as the available payment option.
A merchant has an agreement for SEK/Sweden but does not have KCO-Global activated.
- A customer from Sweden will see all available payment methods in the checkout (invoice, part payment, card payment etc).
- A customer from Norway will see an error message mentioning bad value: currency.
A merchant has an agreement for SEK/Sweden with KCO-Global activated AND Norway/NOK with no KCO-Global activated.
- A customer from Sweden (with SEK as the selected currency) will see all available payment methods in the checkout (invoice, part payment, card payment etc).
- A customer from Norway (with NOK as the selected currency) will see all available payment methods in the checkout (invoice, part payment, card payment etc).
- A customer from Norway (with SEK as the selected currency) will see card payment as the available payment option.
- A customer from Sweden (with NOK as the selected currency) will see an error message mentioning bad value: currency.
Using the plugin without KCO-Global
In some cases, merchants only sell to one country and therefore have no need for a global agreement. To be able to use the Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce plugin without a global agreement you need to configure your WooCommerce store in the following way:
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > General.
- Make sure the store base country is matching the country used with your Klarna agreement.
- Set Selling location(s) to Sell to specific countries.
- Select the country you want to sell to in the setting Sell to Specific countries. This country needs to be same as the selected store base country.
- Set the Default customer location to Shop base address. This way WooCommerce will not try to calculate where the customer is located. All product prices and shipping costs will be displayed as if the customer comes from the same country as the store base country.
- Save the settings.
When a customer now adds an item to cart and navigates to the checkout, they will see the following screen. In the KCO iframe there will be a small notice saying The address should be in Sweden (since that was the country selected in the settings earlier) above the fields for where they add their Email address and Postal code.
Using the plugin without KCO-Global on a specific currency
In some cases you might have KCO-Global activated for your stores main currency, but not for the “extra” currencies. Here is a code example how you can force the checkout to only accept purchases from Norwegian customers if NOK is the selected currency:
* Use together with Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce (v3 platform)
* Filter the purchase country, billing and shipping country sent to Klarna.
* In this example we force the purchase to be a Norwegian checkout, only for Norwegian customers, if the store currency is NOK.
* This can be useful if you offer several currencies in your store but don't have KCO Global activaded for all currencies.
* Add this code to your themes functions.php file or include it in a separate functionality plugin (
add_filter( 'kco_wc_api_request_args', 'krokedil_change_klarna_country' );
function krokedil_change_klarna_country( $request_args ) {
if ( 'NOK' === get_woocommerce_currency() ) {
$request_args['purchase_country'] = 'NO';
$request_args['billing_countries'] = array( 'NO' );
$request_args['shipping_countries'] = array( 'NO' );
unset( $request_args['billing_address'] );
return $request_args;