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Avarda Checkout integrated shipping
With Avarda Checkout integrated shipping, your stores shipping methods are presented inside Avardas embedded checkout.
There are two types of integrated shipping settings – Partner Shipping (for core WooCommerce shipping methods) and Avarda Shipping Broker (for third party shipping methods).
Important! For Avarda Checkout integrated shipping to work your credentials needs to be configured for this by Avarda.
- Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Avarda Checkout.
- Scroll down to Integrated Shipping and select how you want to enable Avarda Checkout integrated shipping – Partner Shipping or Avarda Shipping Broker.
- Make sure you have the correct API Credentials, configured for integrated shipping by Avarda, entered.
- Click Save changes at the bottom of the settings page.

Configuration – Partner Shipping
This setting is used to display your configured core WooCommerce shipping methods in Avarda Checkout.
- Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Avarda Checkout.
- Scroll down to Integrated Shipping and select Partner Shipping.
- Shipping Broker API Key – Enter the API Key you wish to use for the WooCommerce shipping integration. A key will be generated in the plugin, but you can also set this to another key of your choosing.
- Click Save changes at the bottom of the settings page.

- Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → Shipping zones
- Click Add zone or Edit an existing zone. Here you can then click Add a shipping method.
- Select a shipping method and click Continue.
In this example we use Flat rate, since we want to configure shipping with a cost.

- Name – Set the name for the shipping method.
- Tax status – Here you set if the shipping is taxable or not.
- Cost – Set the cost of the shipping method, excl. tax.
- Description (Avarda) – Enter the description visible to the user during checkout in the Avarda Checkout.
- Icon URL (Avarda) – Enter the URL to the icon you wish use for this shipping method. Use a square icon for best results.
- Click Create and save.
- Repeat step 6-13 for each shipping method/service you want to offer in your store.

Below is an example of the checkout with Avarda Checkout integrated shipping activated, using Partner Shipping, where six shipping methods have been set up in WooCommerce.

Configuration – Avarda Shipping Broker
This setting is used to display the shipping methods configured in your Ingrid or nShift account.
When Avarda Shipping Broker is activated and Avarda Checkout is the selected payment method, any other shipping methods for this region won’t be shown to the customer.
- Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Avarda Checkout.
- Scroll down to Integrated Shipping and select Avarda Shipping Broker.
- Click Save changes at the bottom of the settings page.

- Go to WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → Shipping zones
- Click Add zone or Edit an existing zone. Here you can then click Add a shipping method.
- Select Avarda Checkout Shipping and click Continue.

- Fallback shipping name – This is what will be presented as your shipping option in cases where Avarda can’t get any shipping methods from a third party.
- Fallback shipping price – Set the price of the fallback shipping method.
- Click Create and save.

Below is an example of the checkout with Avarda Checkout integrated shipping activated, with credentials configured for Sweden and Ingrid as the Avarda Shipping Broker.