Get started
CargonizerConnect is a plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to book shipments via Logistra.
- CargonizerConnect is available in Norway.
- You need an agreement with Logistra to be able to use this plugin.
- Login to WordPress Admin. Navigate to → Plugins → Add New (in the left column menu).
- Click Upload Plugin and then browse to the plugin zip-file on your computer. Click on OK and finally click on the Install Now button.
- Activate the plugin.
Navigate to → WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → CargonizerConnect to access the settings for the plugin.
- API Key – Your API Key that you will receive from Logistra once you have your agreement.
- Sender ID – Your Sender ID that you will receive from Logistra once you have your agreement.
- Test mode – If this option is checked test mode will be enabled and Sandbox API used.
- Log – Check this box to enable API requests logging.
Shipment booking configuration
There are the default settings for the plugin. They can be changed on individual orders through the CargonizerConnect metabox.
- Parcel content description – Enter a short default description describing the contents of the parcel.
- EDI Transfer – Check this box to automatically transfer the consignment to the carrier. If this box is unchecked you will need to log in to Cargonizer and transfer it from there.
- Label printer – Select a label printer from a list fetched from Cargonizer.
- Auto print – Check this box to automatically print the label when a consignment is created.
- Sender profile – Select a sender profile from a list fetched from Cargonizer.
- Email notification – If this option is checked CargonizerConnect will send the track&trace link to the consignee by e-mail when the consignment is transferred to the carrier.
Order management
- Create shipment action – Choose if you want to book the shipment manually or automatically on order status change.
Select one of the following WooCommerce standard statuses to automatically book the shipment when an order is set to this status: Pending payment, Processing, On hold, Completed, Cancelled, Refunded, Failed, Draft.
Select Manually, in WooCommerce order edit page to disable automatic booking.
Creating and configuring a CargonizerConnect shipping method
With the CargonizerConnect plugin you connect a regular WooCommerce shipping method to a specific Logistra Cargonizer shipment service.
- Navigate to → WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → Shipping zones.
- Choose the Shipping zone where you want to connect a shipping method to a Logistra Cargonizer service.
- Click Edit on the shipping method, or Add a new method, to configure the settings. Is this example we are using Flat rate as a new shipping method.
- Name – Set the name for the shipping method – preferably similar to the service you to connect in step 7.
- Tax status – Here you set if the shipping is taxable or not.
- Cost – Set the cost of the shipping method, excl. tax.
- Logistra Cargonizer Service – Choose the shipment service you want to connect in the select box. Defaults to No CargonizerConnect Connection.
- Logistra Cargonizer – Display Pickup Point Selector – Check this box if you want to display Logistra Pickup Point Selector in checkout when applicable.
- Logistra Cargonizer – Enable Bag on door – Check this box if you want to enable Bag on door feature in checkout when applicable.
Please note that this option is not only visible (or valid) for all services.
Please note that if you also use Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce (KCO) and have checked the box for “Shipping Methods in iframe” in your KCO settings, the “Logistra Cargonizer – Display Pickup Point Selector” will not be displayed. This is because this data is not transferred to Klarna and therefore not possible to display within the iframe.
Book and manage shipments
If a shipping method in a WooCommerce order is connected to a Logistra Cargonizer service, an action button for creating a consignment is displayed in the Actions column on the order overview page.
Book a shipment
Booking a shipment can be done in several different ways.
- Automatically, on order status change. See order management above.
- Manually, by clicking on the Create consignment button on the order overview page.
- Manually, via the Bulk action feature by checking one or several orders and then select Create consignment and click the Apply button on the order overview page.
- Manually, via the edit/single order page, by clicking the Create Shipment button in the CargonizerConnect metabox.
When a shipment have been booked, the consignment number appears in the metabox. Here you are also able to print and view the shipment Label and Waybill, as well as fetch the Tracking URL.
You also have the option to print the shipping label via the dropdown menu in the Order actions metabox.