Actions and Filters

Actions and Filters

How and where to insert the code?

To get the functions exemplified in this section to work you need to add the code to your theme’s functions.php. You can add it as its own plugin or through the Code Snippets plugin, or something similar of your choice.


If you have your own PNO or Org number field and want to use that instead of the one that is provided with the plugin, you can do this by using the filter payer_pno_field_name.

Example code: 

add_filter( 'payer_pno_field_name', 'pb2b_change_pno_field' );
 * Example code for changing the PNO field used for Payer B2B.
 * @param string $field_name The name of the field.
 * @return string
function pb2b_change_pno_field( $field_name ) {
	$field_name = 'my-field-name';
	return $field_name;

If you want to add a reference to the invoice you can use the following example code.

add_filter( 'payer_update_order_args', 'pb2b_add_invoice_reference', 10, 2 );
 * Example code for adding an invoice reference to a Payer B2B order.
 * @param array $request_args The Payer B2B create order request args.
 * @param int   $order_id The WooCommerce order ID.
 * @return array
function pb2b_add_invoice_reference( $request_args, $order_id ) {
	// Decode the body first.
	$body = json_decode( $request_args['body'], true );
	// Add your reference value.
	$body['invoiceCustomer']['address']['yourReference'] = '12345'; // For example get_post_meta( $order_id, 'your_reference_field_name' );
	// Enqueue the body again.
	$body = json_encode( $body );
	// Add the body back to the request args.
	$request_args['body'] = $body;
	// Return the request args.
	return $request_args;