

Qliro One for WooCommerce is a plugin that extends WooCommerce allowing you to accept payments via Qliro. It replaces the standard WooCommerce checkout page.

Qliro One does not support the Checkout block in WooCommerce.
You can read more about this here.

Sign up with Qliro

You need to have an agreement with Qliro to be able to use this plugin.

Required WordPress/WooCommerce settings

  • Make sure that you have enabled pretty permalinks in your WordPress installation. Otherwise callbacks from Qliro back to your store won’t work and orders will not be updated with the correct order status/information.
  • To get the order total to match between WooCommerce and Qliro you need to configure WooCommerce to display prices with 2 decimals. More information about displaying of prices and how it can cause rounding issues can be found in this article.
  • You need to have an active SSL Certificate and HTTPS activated.
  • Your checkout page must use the Classic Shortcode block. Qliro One does not support the Checkout block at this point. You can read more about this here.


  1. Download the plugin .zip file.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin → Plugins → Add New and Upload Plugin the file you have downloaded.
  3. Install Now and Activate.

Setup and Configuration

Before you get started you need to make sure you are using the checkout shortcode on your set Checkout Page.
The Checkout block is the default for new WooCommerce installations as of version 8.3. Qliro One for WooCommerce does not yet support this.

Go to Pages → your set Checkout Page and transform the Checkout block to the Classic Shortcode block.

Basic settings

Once you have installed the plugin you need to configure it in accordance to the steps below:

  1. Go to: WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Qliro One
  2. Enable Qliro One by checking the Enable Qliro One payment checkbox.
  3. Title – Enter the title for the payment method displayed in the checkout and order confirmation emails.
  4. Description – Enter the description of the payment method displayed in the checkout page.

API Credentials

  1. Production Qliro One API key – Where you enter the API key received from Qliro.
  2. Production Qliro One API Secret – Where you enter the API Password received from Qliro.
  3. Test Qliro One API key – Where you enter the API Test key received from Qliro. Used if Test mode is checked above.
  4. Test Qliro One API Password – Where you enter the API Test Password received from Qliro. Used if Test mode is checked above.


  1. Test mode – check the Enable test mode checkbox to place the payment gateway in test mode when using test API keys. If not checked the payment method will function in a live production environment.
  2. Logging – check the Log debug messages to save debug messages to the WooCommerce System Status log.


  1. Display Shipping in the iframe – Selecet if/how you want to display the shipping options inside of the Qliro One checkout iframe.
    Chose between No, WooCommerce shipping methods and Qliro integrated shipping methods.
  2. Shipping additional header – Here you can add an introductory text to be displayed in the payment form’s shipping section.

Please note that if you have Display Shipping in the iframe setting active, you need to have the correct shipping methods set up under WooCommerceSettingsShipping.
Read more about how to set up shipping in the iframe.

Checkout settings

  1. Enforced juridical type – Set which juridical type that should be enforced in the shop – Physical (B2C) or Company (B2B). Leave as None if you want to allow both B2C and B2B.
  2. Minimum age – Set the minimum customer age for all purchases.
    This can also be set on an individual product level.
  3. Require identity verification – If this box is checked and the customer is from Sweden, identity verification with BankID will be required for every purchase.
    This will result in a double BankID verification requirement for some cases. We suggest to set this on a individual product level instead as it only needs to be applied if there is any extra considered risks.
  4. Has risk – Check this box to flag all products as high-risk.
    This can also be set on an individual product level.
  5. Ask for newsletter signup – Check this box to display an unchecked newsletter sign-up checkbox for your customers.
  6. Ask for newsletter signup checked – Check this box to display an already checked newsletter sign-up checkbox for your customers.

Order Management settings

Qliro One for WooCommerce doesn’t have a turn on/off setting for Order Management like other plugins can have.

If you don’t want to use Order Management you use the statuses Manual trigger and None respectively where applicable.

  1. Capture status – Select what WooCommerce order status to use to initiate capturing the order in Qliros system.
    For example, if this is set to the WooCommerce order status Completed it means that when an order is set to Completed in WooCommerce, the capture in Qliros system is initiated.
  2. Pending capture status – Select what WooCommerce order status to set the order to while we wait for Qliro to tell us if the capture was successful or not.
    For example, the WooCommerce order status On hold will be set while WooCommerce wait for Qliro to verify a successful capture.
  3. OK capture status – Select what WooCommerce order status to set the order to when we get notified of a successful order capture.
    For example, the WooCommerce order status Completed will be set when WooCommerce get confirmation from Qliro of a successful order capture.
  4. Cancel status – Select what WooCommerce order status to use to initiate canceling the order in Qliros system.
  5. Pending cancel status – Select what WooCommerce order status to set the order to while we wait for Qliro to tell us if the cancelation was successful or not.
  6. OK cancel status – Select what WooCommerce order status to set the order to when we get notified of a successful order cancelation.

With the settings like in the image above the capture is initiated in Qliro when the merchant set the order to Completed in WooCommerce.

The order than gets the status On hold while WooCommerce wait for confirmation of a successful capture from Qliro.

When the capture is confirmed successful, the order regain the WooCommerce order status Completed. If the order is not successfully captured, the order will ramain in On hold status.

Checkout Customization

  1. Checkout layout – Choose the Checkout layout – One column checkout, Two column checkout (Qliro One in right column), Two column checkout (Qliro One in left column) or Two column checkout (Qliro One in left column) – Storefront light.
  2. Other payment method button text – Customize the Select another payment method button text that is displayed in checkout if using other payment methods than Qliro. Leave blank to use the default (and translatable) text.
  3. Background color – Define the background color to use in the Qliro One checkout iframe.
  4. Primary color – Define the color for the selected options throughout the checkout.
  5. Call to action color – Define the color for the Call to action-buttons throughout the checkout.
  6. Call to action hover color – Define the hover color for the Call to action-buttons throughout the checkout.
  7. Corner radius – Set a pixel value for rounded corners throughout the checkout. Leave blank, or set 0, for hard corners.
  8. Button corner radius – Set a pixel value for rounded corners on Call to action-buttons throughout the checkout. Leave blank, or set 0, for hard corners.

Please note that if you have made changes in the Checkout Customization that you can not see in your checkout you can try and view your site in a different browser or incognito mode.

You can also Clear customer sessions under WooCommerceTools

  1. Enable banner widget on product page – Check this box to display the banner widget on the product pages.
  2. Banner widget product page placement – Select where you want the banner to be displayed – Above title, Between Title and Price, Between Price and Excerpt, Between Excerpt and Add to cart button, Between Add to cart button and Product meta, Between Product meta and Product sharing buttons or after Product sharing buttons.
  3. Enable banner widget on cart page – Check this box to display the banner widget on the cart page.
  4. Banner widget cart placement – Select where you want the banner to be displayed – Above cross-sales, Above cart totals, Between cart totals and Proceed to checkout button or at The bottom of the page.
  5. Display with a Qliro style shadow – Check this box to display the banner with a Qliro style shadow.

It is also possible to display the Banner widget via shortcode if you don’t want to activate it store wide.

Payment widget

  1. Enable payment widget – Check this box to enable the payment widget.
  2. Payment widget placement – Select where you want the banner to be displayed – Above title, Between Title and Price, Between Price and Excerpt, Between Excerpt and Add to cart button, Between Add to cart button and Product meta, Between Product meta and Product sharing buttons or after Product sharing buttons.
  3. Display in a condensed (shorter) style – Check this box to display the payment widget in a more condesed (shorter) style.

It is also possible to display the Payment widget via shortcode if you don’t want to activate it store wide.


  1. Upsell Percentage – Set the max amount above the order value a customer can add to a Qliro order paid with After Delivery payment. The default is 10%. If you want a higher percentage you first need to contact Qliro as this is regulated in your deal with them.

Product level settings

Some of the settings available in the Checkout settings can be applied on a product level instead of store-wide. This is useful if the settings don’t have to apply to all products.

Navigate to Products → All Products and click on the product you wish to configure.
Below the Product description metabox you will find the box called Product data. In this box you the tab Qliro One.

  1. Minimum customer age – Set the minimum customer age for this product.
  2. Require ID verification – If this box is checked and the customer is from Sweden, identity verification with BankID will be required for every purchase of this product.
    This can result in a double BankID verification requirement in some cases.
  3. Has risk – Check this box to flag this product as high-risk.

Order Management

When an order is created in WooCommerce and a reservation number exists in Qliro’s system, you have the possibility to handle the order in Qliro directly from WooCommerce. This way you can save time and don’t have to work in both systems simultaneously.

Qliro One for WooCommerce doesn’t have a turn on/off setting for Order Management like other plugins can have.

If you don’t want to use Order Management you use the statuses Manual trigger and None respectively where applicable.

Please note that the Order statuses below are example statuses. If you have made changes to the statuses in the Order Management settings you need to take this into consideration.

Activate an order

  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Processing.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerce → Orders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order details box there is a selectbox named Order status. Change the status to Completed.
  4. Click the Update button located at the top right on the screen.
  5. If everything was successful a new order note saying Order status changed from Processing to Completed is created.

    This is followed by another two order notes:
    • The order has been requested to be captured with Qliro and is in process. Payment transaction id: XXXXXXX Order status changed from Completed to On hold.
    • The order has been successfully captured by Qliro. Order status changed from On hold to Completed.

Cancel an order

  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Processing.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerce → Orders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order details box there is a selectbox named Status. Change the status to Cancelled.
  4. Click the Update button located at the top right on the screen.
  5. If everything was successful a new order note saying Order status changed from Processing to Cancelled is created.

    This is followed by another two order notes:
    • The order has been requested to be cancelled with Qliro and is in process. Payment transaction id: XXXXXXX
    • The order has been successfully cancelled by Qliro.

Refund an order

  1. The WooCommerce order status need to be set as Completed.
  2. Go to the order edit screen by navigate to → WooCommerce → Orders and click on the order you want to edit.
  3. In the Order items box, press the Refund button.
  1. Here you can choose to refund the full sum for an item (1) or shipping (2).
    With shipping (2) you need to enter the amount manually, as well as the tax. Not to be confused with the Refund manually button.
  1. Press the Refund via Qliro button.
  2. If everything was successful a new order note saying Processing a refund of X with Qliro One is created.

    This is followed by a stock increase note as well as the following two order notes:
    • Order status changed from Completed to Refunded.
    • The order has been successfully refunded by Qliro.

Disable and enable order synchronization

By default, order synchronization is always enabled. It is however possible to turn off order synchronization between WooCommerce and Qliro via a setting in the Qliro order data metabox.

When disabled, you can modify the WooCommerce order in any way (e.g., change order status, modify order lines) without effecting the corresponding Qliro order.

When disabled any changes in either system will have to be done manually.

  1. Click Advanced in the Qliro order data metabox.
  2. Click the toggle switch to disable, or enable, order synchronization.
  3. When changed, the setting autosaves and reloads the metabox.

Manual order synchronization

Changes made in WooCommerce can be manually synchronized with Qliro via the Sync order with Qliro button.

Please note that this is not available for direct payments, such as card payments.


The plugin itself has no limitations regarding currency.

However, please note that there can be limitations in the agreement you have with Qliro.

When it comes to questions regarding supported currencies you should always talk to your payment provider. The exception is when the plugin in fact do have limitations.

Compatibility with themes & plugins

  • Qliro One uses its own template file for displaying the checkout page and should work with most themes. However, the plugin is only tested with the Storefront theme and we do not guarantee that it will work with other themes. Common situations when errors occur are:
    – Themes/plugins with customized template files for WooCommerce checkout page.
    – Themes/plugins that modifies the checkout into a multi step checkout.

Krokedil and Qliro do not offer help with adapting your theme or plugin within regular support.