Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce

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Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce

Here you will find documentation on Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce.


English: use the support form on krokedil.com to get help.

Svenska: använd supportformuläret på krokedil.se för att få hjälp.

Helpful information before you contact us can be found in the How to prepare a support ticket article.

Useful external links


English product page on krokedil.com

Plugin related articles on krokedil.com


Svensk produktsida på krokedil.se

Plugin-relaterade artiklar på krokedil.se

Technical information

Plugin data

Plugin version: 2.12.9

Last updated: 22 July, 2024

Tested with

WordPress version: 6.6

WooCommerce version: 9.0.2

Requires at least

WordPress version: 4.0

WooCommerce version: 4.0.0

PHP version: 7.0

Plugin changelog

  • Tweak - Adjusted the order comparison verification between Klarna and WooCommerce.
  • Tweak - Increase logging to identify discrepancy between the Klarna and WooCommerce orders.
  • Fix - Fixed an issue where orders would be set to on-hold due to mismatch in shipping reference.

View complete Changelog