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- ProTeria CloudConnect for WooCommerce
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- Changelog
- Tweak - Tweaked the bulk "Get labels" action to open in a new tab.
- Tweak - Tweaked shipping settings tab title.
- Fix - Fixed PHP 8 deprecation warnings.
- Feature - Added "Manned pickup point only" as an option in the shipping method.
- Fix - Fixed an uncaught error that sometimes happened when the order was created without a shipping method.
- Fix - Fixed an uncaught error when attempting to update the shipping method before verifying that it exists.
- Tweak - A CSS class in the container's HTML caused issue with certain themes. This class has been removed.
- Fix - Fixed a save issue related to the "Bag on door" shipping setting.
- Tweak - API changes related to pickup points and parcel boxes.
- Feature - Added support for WooCommerce's "High-Performance Order Storage" ("HPOS").
- Tweak - Updated translation text.
- Fix - Fixed an issue where the pickup points for BringV2 would not appear when "Parcel box only" was chosen.
- Tweak - Clearer description of pickup point vs parcel box setting.
- Feature - Add support for displaying parcel box if supported by carrier.
- Feature - Add setting and logic to change Woo order status when Booking OK webhook is received from Proteria.
- Tweak - Use shipping address for pickup location requests.
- Tweak - Minor Norwegian translation update.
- Fix - Resolved an issue where the tracking number and URL were not displaying in the metabox, even when the tracking data was available.
- Tweak - Adds shipping method id 1147 (Pakke i postkasse) as bag on dooor shipping method.
- Tweak - Adds logging to get printer requests.
- Fix - Improved handling of error response in get printer request, to avoid PHP errors.
- Tweak - Improved check if pickup point should be added in create shipment request.
- Tweak - Improve logic when multiple shipping options have pickup points displayed in checkout.
- Fix - Make sure a WooCommerce order exist before trying to make a create shipment request to avoid possible PHP errors.
- Tweak - Add shipping instance setting for Cash On Delivery. COD can now be changed on/off in admin order view before booking the shipment.
- Tweak - Increase default request timeout time to 25 seconds.
- Fix - Webhook callback fixes.
- Tweak - Adds shipping method id 112 (PostNord MyPack HomeSmall) as bag on dooor shipping method.
- Fix - Avoid error (in PHP8) if no ProTeria shipping methods are available in is_ptcc_pickup_point_shipping_method function.
- Fix - Avoid error if no shipping method object is found in get_pickup_point_content function.
- Feature - Add order note if validation status webhook send a failed message.
- Feature - Add order note if booking failed webhook is triggered.
- Tweak - Save tracking url as post meta field _ptcc_tracking_url in order.
- Tweak - Save tracking number as post meta field _ptcc_tracking_number in order.
- Fix - Don't try to update ProTeria data in Woo order if we don't have an order object. Avoids potential errors.
- Feature - Listen to tracking status webhook and save updates to order so merchant can see status directly from WooCommerce.
- Feature - Add support for displaying and changing Bag on door from admin page before creating shipment.
- Tweak - Bag on door checkbox is now removed as an option for customers. If the checkbox is checked on the shipping instance setting, Bag on door will be activated in create shipment requests to ProTeria.
- Tweak - Listen to Booking ok webhook and save it in order. Only display print label buttons if webhook has been executed.
- Fix - Update logic to determine which shipping method have pickup point selector in checkout. The plugin now uses the hasPickupPoints flag returned from ProTeria.
- Fix - Requests to now working properly by activating Testmode setting.
- Fix - Update which shipping methods that can handle "Bag on door" feature. Shipping ID's 1146, 1246, 1247 and 1248 are now treated as shipping methods with support for Bag on door.
- Tweak - Adds filter ptcc_api_url_base to be able to modify api url base.
- Fix - Sender Contact person name now available to edit via plugin settings.
- Fix - Tweaked declared variables. Could cause issues in some PHP versions.
- Tweak - Bump required PHP version to 7.0.
- Tweak - Adds logging/counting of completed orders with ProTeria as shipping method via Trackedil (
- Fix - Improved handling of products with no weight specified.
- Fix - Create shipment bug fix due to API changes (structure of content in the returned body).
- Fix - Fix plugin settings visibility due to changes in WooCommerce. ProTeria settings now have a separate page under Shipping settings tab.
- Fix - Only run plugin if WooCommerce is activated.
- Feature - Add setting to support Bag on door feature for Bring Mailbox parcels.
- Fix - Improve logic when wrong api credentials are used (or request fails) for GetShippingMethodsForCustomer request.
- Fix - PHP notice in GetShippingMethodsForCustomer logging.
- Feature - Delete dynamically fetched shipping methods (usually saved via transients in 12 hours) when re-saving ProTeria settings.
- Tweak - Increase request timeout time to 10 seconds.
- Tweak - Added logging for get shipping method and pickup point requests.
- Fix - Display pickup point selector even if only one shipping method is available in checkout.
- Fix - Avoid fatal error triggered when WooCmomerce order order is created without shipping.
- Tweak - Possibility to change ProTeria shipping method on WooCommerce order update without creating the shipment.
- Feature - Add support for displaying pickup point selector in checkout for shipping methods that supports this.
- Feature - Get merchant specific available shipping methods from ProTeria in configuration settings.
- Tweak - Move logging to standard WooCommerce log (instead of storing it in uploads folder).
- Tweak - Send WooCommerce order number as reference to ProTeria (instead of order ID).
- Fix - Make sure that order weight is sent to ProTeria as correct KG unit.
- Tweak - Rearranged setting options.