

ProTeria CloudConnect is a plugin that extends WooCommerce, allowing you to book shipments via ProTeria.

ProTeria CloudConnect does not support the Checkout block in WooCommerce.
You can read more about this here.


  1. Login to WordPress Admin. Navigate to → Plugins → Add New (in the left column menu).
  2. Click Upload Plugin and then browse to the plugin zip-file on your computer. Click on OK and finally click on the Install Now button.
  3. Activate the plugin.


Navigate to → WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → ProTeria to access the settings for the plugin.

  1. Access token – Your Access token that you will receive from ProTeria once you have your agreement.
  2. Test mode – If this option is checked test mode will be enabled and Sandbox API used.
  3. Account number for Cash On Delivery – Add your account number for Cash on delivery.
  4. Create shipment action – When the shipment should be created. Select between When WooCommerce order status change to CompletedWhen WooCommerce order status change to Processing or Manually.
  5. Send shipments automatically – If this option is checked shipments will be sent automatically.
  6. Include return label – If this option is checked a return label will be included when viewing or printing the shipment label.
  7. Cloud Print – If this option is checked labels will be printed via Cloud Print.
  8. Print format – Choose between Label or A4.
  9. From name – The From name used in the request to ProTeria.
  10. Contact person name – The Contact person name used in the request to ProTeria.
  11. Contact person email – The Contact person email used in the request to ProTeria.
  12. Contact person phone – The Contact person phone used in the request to ProTeria.
  13. Send Auto Mail Shipment Info To Receiver – If this option is checked an email will be sent from ProTeria to the customer when the shipment is sent.
  14. Send Tracking Info SMS To Receiver – If this option is checked a SMS message will be sent from ProTeria to the customer when the shipment is sent.
  15. Change status on confirmed shipment booking – Select which status the order should get when the Booking OK webhook is received from ProTeria. Select No order status change to disable.
  16. Log – Enable API requests logging.